Add-ons available for any session
Service Description
Add-Ons: you may add 1 or more of these to any appointment $5 each: - 2 mL bottle of therapeutic-grade essential oil: To take home for personal use and healing - Chakra tattoos: Take a temporary tattoo home for chakra healing - Sacred smudging: Choose from 5 different sacred plants and receive a sacred smudging - Sacred high frequency plant blessing: Energetic clearing and protection from myrrh, frankincense, nag champa, or sandalwood - Reiki: Reiki energy and sacred symbols used during session to enhance healing - Essential oils: Choose 3 oils to add the element of aromatherapy for relaxation - Crystals: Choose crystals from my collection to amplify your vibration and accelerate healing - Selenite wanding: Receive clearing and recharge from high frequency selenite - Clear quartz recharge and clearing: You will be surrounded by quartz and receive a high frequency clearing of the aura and energy system - Negative cord cutting: Receive an energetic cord cutting in 3 places for healing old unwanted connections or toxic relationships - Acupressure hand ring treatment: Assists with arthritis, tendonitis, stress reduction, and increases blood circulation - One angel or moon oracle deck card: Ask 1 question, or receive a general spiritual message at end of session. You may take a photo of the card. - Tibetan singing bowl on crown chakra: For last 5 min. of session, singing bowl is placed on your head and you may strike it as you wish. Good for headaches, relaxation, & chakra activation. - Rosewater blessing: Receive a high vibrational rosewater spritz at start and end of session - doTerra Deep Blue Cream: Rubbed onto skin to assist with physical pain during session. You also receive a sample of the cream to take home. - Sacred aromatherapy mist immersion: Receive a high vibrational spritz blend of sacred plants and essential oils at start and end of session - Protective chakral and auric shield: Receive a protective energy shield at the end of your session that lasts for 7 days - Prosperity and abundance blessing: Listen to, and absorb the energy of a sacred prosperity mantra blessing. You may take a photo of card to repeat the mantra at home. - Tesla purple plate healing: 3 Tesla healing plates will be used during your session to target specific physical pain or for emotional healing - doTerra lavender oil on feet: Pure lavender essential oil is applied to the soles of your feet to enhance relaxation and heali
Contact Details
(520) 289-7280
southern California